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Image by Eric Muhr


Trends are important because of their integral influence over which businesses are created, grow, decline or die: So, how many will be important to you? How many are you considering and planning for?


This section contains examples of some prominent trends of our time across some of the 15 dimensions we consider about the UK consumer-citizen: a "checklist" for businesses to motivate a deeper look at areas representing missed opportunities and threats. Examples are provided for each trend of the businesses, products or projects that are emerging or succeeding while being aligned with the trend.

Image by Stephen Dawson

About trends

Trends can operate on different scales and be at different points of maturity, ranging from the early spread of new ideas to the rise of ever-more popular brands or product categories. Read more

Image by King's Church International

10 UK population trends

Here we describe 10 of the most prominent trends related to  one of these: "People" i.e. the composition of our population. Download the presentation

Image by Martin Sanchez

8 Global mega trends

Mega trends are multi-facetted, affect most people on the planet and are set to influence us for decades more to come. Out of these comes a myriad of political, economic, social, cultural and technological forces. Download our guide.

Image by Redd F

6 digital horsemen of the ap...

We truly are at an unprecedented rate of technological change. Much of this is being driven by a handful of technology families. We look at where they've reached and how they can evolve further. Read more

people walking near a market_edited.jpg

10 UK consumer behaviour trends

One of the 15 dimensions we look at the profile the changing UK consumer: attitudes, choices and behaviours  Download the presentation

Image by Gilles Lambert

10 UK media consumption trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to media consumption. Download the presentation

Image by Dan Gold

10 UK health + wellbeing trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to peoples'' health and wellbeing. Download the presentation

Image by Deddy Yoga Pratama

10 UK worklife trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to the attitudes and choices related to our work lives and career choices  Download the presentation

More trends coming soon!....

Image by Duncan Meyer

10 UK financial trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to how people are saving, spending and investing and the state of their finances. Download the presentation

Image by Andrea De Santis

10 AI trends

Here are 10 trends related to the rapid rise in Artificial Intelligence. Download the presentation.

Image by Benjamin Elliott

10 UK house and home trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to the places we live: and how we are moving, changing and improving our living environments. Download the presentation 

Image by Florian Schmetz

10 UK personal technology trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to the the technologies we own, and the attitudes we have to those that are emerging.

Image by Elena Mozhvilo

10 UK leisure time trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to how people are spending their leisure time

Image by Museums Victoria

10 UK education + learning trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to education, learning and development - including both in childhood and adulthood.

Image by Dyana Wing So

10 UK relationship trends

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to the the relationships that people form in life - families, friendship, work, communities and via social networks.

Image by Birmingham Museums Trust

10 UK values and attitudes

Here we describe 10 prominent trends related to social attitudes and values and how they are changing within a global context. Download the presentation.

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Would you like to identify and interpret the trends affecting your own business? Reach out to start a discussion about ways that we can help.

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